Some Vestibular disorders with their symptoms and causes are :
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo or BPPV, a type of positional vertigo, which is indicated by sudden swaying or spinning.
Vestibular neuritis which affects the balance nerve occurs in a person who has had a viral infection such as measles and chickenpox to name a few.
Labrynthitis is an inner ear infection which happens due to the inflammation of one of the structures within the inner ear known as the labyrinth. This infection is accompanied by pus or fluid from the ear, hearing loss and balance issues.
Perilymphatic fistula is caused by a defect between the inner ear and middle ear which causes hearing loss or dizziness. Surgical intervention may cure the defect.
Acoustic neuroma is a non cancerous tumor which grows to press against the hearing nerve and the balance nerve affecting those functions.
Some ototoxic drugs may cause reversible vestibular issues.
Enlarged vestibular aqueducts are mostly genetic in nature where a structure, known as the vestibular aqueduct, is larger than its normal size and may cause hearing loss.
Vestibular migraine is a common condition where the transmission of the signals between the brain and the balance system are affected. This causes severe headache, hypersensitivity to light or sound, dizziness, hearing loss and ringing in the ears.
The severity and type of disorders can vary and so can the symptoms. This makes it difficult to describe. Many disorders go unnoticed because the client does not know how to sort out their symptoms or because others dont take them seriously because of how varying their symptoms are.
Many people suffering from vestibular disorders find it difficult to focus on work and are considered lazy or attention seeking. Proper triaging is the key and this is taken care of by our experienced audiologists.
Evaluates the inner ear’s response to sound and helps determine the function of the cochlea.
Uses a special instrument with goggles that measure a disorder of the inner ear that may cause imbalance, vertigo or inability to walk straight.