Swallowing is a very important act done by our oral mechanism, as it is vital to nourishing our body. This basic function is executed by our oral structures and its associated muscles.

Dysphagia or swallowing disorders are not just a sign or symptom of a disease like stroke , it is a medical condition on its own. Swallowing disorders happen when the associated nerves or muscles are affected.
Unlike what is commonly perceived, dysphagia is a complex process that involves a lot of processes.A disorder is caused by a disruption during the process.


  • Regurgitation of food
  • Coughing or choking on food or fluids
  • Choking sensation , constant feel of food being stuck in the throat

If unnoticed, dysphagia can lead to lack of appetite which further leads to weight loss and infections.

Hearing Tests Center in Noida


This condition is caused by other health issues such as

  • Cancers such as esophageal or oral cancer
  • Stroke, head injury or other conditions that affect the nervous system
  • Disorders of the esophagus


An ENT and speech language pathologist uses tests that assess the whole swallowing process to find out where the problem is, which helps determine the cause or the type. Once the assessment is complete the following treatments may be implemented.

  • In some cases surgery may be required to widen the oesophagus using a stent.
  • Our speech and language therapists help clients learn new swallowing techniques.
  • The patient’s diet will be changed as certain textures will be chosen which are safer to swallow mostly soft or pureed foods
  • If the above is not an option, nasogastric feeding tubes are used to prevent choking.
Complete Hearing, Speech & Vertigo Care Solutions

Dysphagia is a disorder that can disrupt your quality of life and rob you of life’s enjoyable moments but our experts can help you manage and come up with a solution that’s right for you. Contact us to know more.