A hearing aid trial/ fitting is an appointment scheduled for you after your hearing tests have been done and your hearing loss has been discussed with your Audiologist and it has been decided that your hearing loss cannot be resolved by medication or surgery.


Step 1

To choose the right hearing solution for you, you and your audiologist will have a chat and establish goals and have realistic expectations from your hearing aid. It is important that you communicate your needs and expectations to your audiologist, so that you can find a brand and model of hearing aid that suits your preferences or needs.

Step 2

Once you have decided on a hearing aid that suits your needs, the next step is the fitting. During this process your audiologist makes necessary adjustments to the aid based on your hearing loss and also activates special functions as per your lifestyle needs. Based on your preferences , the aid may have to be specifically made (in the ear aids or getting a not -so-common coloured aid) by the manufacturer and may take some time. You will be updated regarding this by the clinic.

Options such as connecting your hearing aids to the mobile app or to the TV will be demonstrated or explained.(if available with your model)

Step 3

After you are all set up with your devices, you get to try them out for a trial period. During this period you can also try other hearing aids as well. Just like flavours of ice cream, one model of hearing aid does not suit all, and our Audiologists understand that.

During this process you get to make the ultimate choice. Discuss with your audiologist for a trial period suitable for you.

Step 4

This stage is the most important . Once you have purchased your hearing aids, it is highly recommended that you follow up with our clinic. During these follow up appointments, you get to sort out problems with your hearing aids, changes in settings or discuss possible upgrades.

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